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Share Team of the Season Starts May 12 - FIFA 17 Ultimate Team

Team of the Season Starts May 12 - FIFA 17 Ultimate Team

Posted May 8th at 5:00pm.

Team of the Season (TOTS) in FIFA 17 Ultimate Team™  is a celebration of the very best players from this football campaign, across Europe and the rest of the world!

To see the teams and the players please go to: https://www.easports.com/fifa/team-of-the-season

FUT 17 TOTS starts May 12th with the release of the Community Team of the Season – made up of 3 squads (Gold, Silver and Bronze), entirely selected by the FIFA community and featuring a selection of players who consistently performed at the top level but just missed out on having a Team of the Week in-form.  This isn’t the only team that fans have an input on! For the first time ever, the 11 players voted by fans for the Bundesliga Team of the Season will also feature in the FUT 17 Bundesliga TOTS! Cast your vote at https://bndsl.ga/TOTS .

This is just the start! The coming weeks will see the releases of many leagues, big and small, plus an exclusive tournament reward 24th TOTS player, a super Bonus SBC that rewards fans for completing special SBCs every week, TOTS Upgrade SBCs with a chance at a guaranteed 84+ TOTW player, Lightning Rounds and a lot more!


The 24th TOTS Player

A fan favourite from last year returns! A 24th TOTS player will be available exclusively as a FUT Champions Daily Qualifier Tournament reward on Xbox One, PlayStation®4 and PC (Online Tournaments on Xbox 360 and PlayStation®3). Exclusive really does mean exclusive, the 24th TOTS player will not be available in packs, SBCs or on the transfer market. The extra player will be available for select leagues only, starting each Monday for the duration of TOTS.


TOTS Bonus Reward SBC

An even bigger reward awaits fans who stay active throughout the entirety of TOTS! Each Tuesday, during TOTS, fans will have 72 hours to complete a new Bonus Reward SBC. The more you complete, the bigger the Bonus reward! Fans who complete ALL Bonus SBCs will get a pack containing a guaranteed TOTS player item! If you’re eligible for a TOTS Bonus SBC Reward, it will be granted to you on June 28th, 2017.

Completing 2 or more TOTS Bonus SBCs will earn you a special reward:

  • 2 TOTS Bonus SBCs – Mega Pack (untradeable)
  • 3 TOTS Bonus SBCs – Prime Gold Players Pack (untradeable)
  • 4 TOTS Bonus SBCs – Rare Players Pack (untradeable)
  • 5 TOTS Bonus SBCs – Jumbo Rare Players Pack (untradeable)
  • 6 TOTS Bonus SBCs – Ultimate Pack that includes a guaranteed TOTS Player (untradeable)


TOTS Upgrade SBCs

Upgrade your squad during TOTS with these special SBCs! Featuring tradeable and untradeable guaranteed 84+ rated TOTW SBCs from ANY TOTW, 82+ Rated Players SBC and League Specific Upgrade SBCs.


All this, plus a lot more, starts May 12th in the FUT 17 TOTS!


For more TOTS and FUT news check out  EA SPORTS The Pitch and follow @EASPORTSFIFA.